You can use your air conditioner and ceiling fan together— and we definitely think it’s a good idea.
Your monthly cooling costs can be lowered by running your A/C and ceiling fan simultaneously. But, if you’re using them right, they won’t just save you money—they’ll also make your home feel more comfortable, which is definitely worth the cost of that little bit of extra energy.
Here’s how it all works!
Can We Use Both Air Conditioner and Ceiling Fan Together?

While ceiling fans are great for cooling your room down in the summer, they can be too noisy for some people. At night, when you’re trying to sleep, a ceiling fan is a bit annoying. You don’t want to hear it all night long—you might even wake up to the noise! Some people also prefer alternatives to ceiling fans that somehow work sufficiently with AC units.
But what if you could have both AC and Ceiling fan? What a great idea!
The best way to use AC and ceiling fans is to have them both on simultaneously. If you want your room to feel like 80 degrees, put the air temperature in your room at around 85 degrees and set up your AC so that it feels like 70 degrees when it’s running.
Doing this will give you the best cooling efficiency possible but not too much noise or vibration from all that moving air!
This way, these appliances work together to help you stay comfortable in your home without making so much noise that you can’t sleep at night.
Read: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Ceiling Fan Blade Pitch
Your ceiling fan used with air conditioner can also help with humidity control and dehumidification.
How to Use Your Ceiling Fan with Your Air Conditioner to Save Money
You can save a lot of money on your electricity bill by using your ceiling fan with your air conditioner.
First, let’s look at how much electricity you’re already using.
If you don’t have a ceiling fan, then you probably use more than 1,000 watts of electricity just to cool your home. This is typically enough to run an air conditioner for about two hours per day.
Now, let’s compare that to the amount of electricity used by an AC unit alone.
The average AC unit consumes about 500 to 4000 watts of power. Even though most people don’t have their AC turned up all the way, they still use around 2200 watts of energy per hour—which means they will be using that same amount of energy in a little over 20 hours!

So what does this mean?
For starters, if you add a ceiling fan to your AC unit, you’ll use less energy overall—and that extra saving can really add up over time!
And if you have a central air system as well (like mine), then adding a fan should help even more because it will circulate more air throughout your entire home.
If you have air conditioning in your home, you might be wondering how to use your ceiling fan with it. There are two ways to do this:
- Set the thermostat on your AC unit to match the temperature of your room and turn on the ceiling fan. The result will be a cooling effect without having to lower the temperature in your entire house.
- Use the thermostat settings for both cooling and heating and turn on both your fan and AC at the same time. This will allow you to raise the temperature setting of your AC while keeping it comfortable enough for you to sleep through the night!
Should I Use a Ceiling Fan While My AC is On?
The short answer is yes!
Even if you’re not in a hot climate, it’s still good to have some fresh air circulating in your home.
The additional humidity and cool air can help keep your home comfortable, especially if you have pets or other animals in the house. And even if you live in the tropics and don’t need AC, keeping your house cool will help avoid overheating.
Tips While Using Ceiling Fan And Air Conditioner Together
Here are some tips for how to use your ceiling fan with your air conditioner:
What Types Of Fans Work Best With Air Conditioners?
There are a few different types of fans that you can use to help keep your AC running smoothly.
1. Window-mounted fans:

These are the most common type of fan you’ll find in homes, and they’re great at keeping large spaces cool on hot days. They can also be used to circulate air in smaller spaces like closets or bathrooms.
2. Wall-mounted fans:

These are typically cheaper than their ceiling-mounted counterparts, and they’re often designed to fit into tight spaces or hide away when not in use.
They can be placed near windows or along walls where you need a bit more airflow than what a window fan provides alone, which might make them more convenient for certain rooms in your house!
3. Ceiling-mounted fans:

Also Read: 5 Common Types of Ceiling Fan Styles and Blade Count
These work best when they’re installed to run with an AC unit so that they don’t have to compete with other appliances’ heat output (like televisions, microwaves, etc).
They usually come with extra features like light fixtures or room sensors so that your home doesn’t feel too dark at night when all the lights are off.
Want to buy a ceiling fan? Here’s your complete buying guide!
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It’s always better to use both a ceiling fan and an air conditioner at the same time.
As we’ve discussed, air conditioners cool rooms by removing heat from them, while ceiling fans circulate that same heat into the room. A ceiling fan needs to be used with an AC in order for it to work properly.