Are you fed up with cleaning your ceiling fan? If yes, you are not alone.
It is one of the most tedious chores in the house along with waxing the car and cleaning the litter box. Having said that, nobody ever wants a dirty fan. It leaves our homes looking less than inviting.
So long story short: cleaning roof fans is one of those dreaded cleaning tasks that people put off as long as they can.
Once the dust has set in, it can be very difficult to get it out. There’s nothing worse than picking your favorite shawl, only to shake it out and powder all over the floor.
We’ll give you tips on how to clean ceiling fans without getting dust all over your home.
Cleaning of Ceiling Fans without getting tangled around!

In four easy steps, you will see a clean fan with a clean floor.
Step 1: Collect the Required Tools
The first thing that you need to do is to ensure you have a stable platform to work from. You should have your step stool or ladder with you since cleaning the ceiling fan can be quite high. If it is too hard for you to reach then use the ladder for safety reasons.
Then make sure you’re equipped with all important tools, including an old pillowcase for collecting dust from fan blades, a fine mixture of oil to spray on the fan, detergent or other cleaning soaps for washing glass lamps, and an air compressor.
Having these things will ease your work and you can finish it earlier than the method in which you have to remove the blades!
Step 2: Hang a Pillowcase on Fan Blade and Clean
For cleaning the blades of your ceiling fan, you can either use a maid or a pillowcase to catch the dust. The pillowcase is definitely faster and more efficient than the maid.
How will you use it? Just open one end of the pillowcase and hang it on the fan blade. Make sure the length of the pillowcase covers the length of the blade so no dust will fall on the floor, that could be a reason for the mess.
Now drag the pillowcase from the center to the outward direction and collect the dust from the upper surface of the fan into the pocket of the pillowcase. It is definitely a simple and effective way to clean fan blades.
Step 3: Clean the Glass Light Lamps from the Center of the Fan
Ceiling fan light shades can be tricky to clean because you don’t want your fingers touching the inside of the light fixture. Glass globes around the bulbs can also collect dust and grime, but it’s important that these are cleaned regularly.
One way to do that is to clean the glass of your light fixture from the center of your fan. While cleaning, you must ensure that the lights are turned off, no electricity is circulating in and out of the fan, and you stand stable on the ladder.
Carefully clean the bulb inside glass lamps with soap water and if possible, remove glass lamps and wash them thoroughly in warmed, detergent water.
Step 4: Clean Motor and Fan’s Pull Chain
Dust just doesn’t stop sticking to the motor and fan. No matter how hard you try, it seems impossible to clean the dust that accumulates on the motor. But relax, you can do it easily!
Using a white microfiber towel, dust the pull chain and motor. The microfiber cloth can clean all the dust on the pull chain. The motor will get covered with dust as you wipe your fan’s pull chain. Please keep it clean all the time so it will not collect too much dust during its operation.
Also Read: Will Ceiling Fan Make Newborn Sick? [Important Guide]
Time-Saving Solution: Use A Microfiber Cleaning Stick
If you don’t want to go with the pillowcase method, or if you are looking for a way to clean your ceiling fans without a ladder, then a decent quality microfiber cleaning duster for ceiling fans is another option. To save you time, we have chosen the highest-quality duster. Take a look at the duster below!
Looking To Buy A Ceiling Fan? Read Our Guide:
FAQs – Solve More Of Your Problems!
What causes ceiling fans to collect dust so quickly?
Ceiling fans help circulate the air in your home to make it more comfortable. However, all that circulating air also means that dust particles can collect on top of your fan blades, making them appear dirty and unkempt.
Further, the type of material that the fan is made from can make a difference in how often dust will build up on the blades. If there are any crevices where dust can settle, it will accumulate over time in those spots.
What is the best thing to clean ceiling fans?
To clean your ceiling fan, you can use a soft cloth and mild soap or detergent. You can also use a solution of water and vinegar, which is a good neutral cleaner that also eliminates odors.
However, for deep dusting, the best thing to clean fans is an old toothbrush. The bristles are soft, so they won’t scratch the blades of your fan and gunk up with dirt as you clean it.
How do you clean a ceiling fan without opening it?
If the fan is fitted with a removable dust shield or blade, then you can easily clean it with the best duster for a ceiling fan or broom. In addition, if there is enough room to open the fan, then you can use a vacuum cleaner to clean the blades and the dust shield. You may also consider washing your fan blades periodically using a solution of dish soap and water.
How do you clean a ceiling fan with vinegar?
When it comes to cleaning your fan with vinegar, you have a couple of options. You can either use white vinegar or regular distilled vinegar. The easiest method is to simply put some white vinegar into a spray bottle and spray down the blades and the parts of the fan that are visible when lit. You then soak them in water which will loosen up any dirt or grime that is stuck on, then scrub it off once it has soaked for a bit.
How often should you clean a fan?
We recommend cleaning your fan every two to three weeks if you have pets, kids, and/or a hard time remembering to clean it. Regular dusting will still reduce the number of times you need to deep-clean your fan though, so dust regularly even if you’re not sure whether or not it’s time for a good cleaning.
Cleaning your ceiling fan is actually easier than you may think. All it takes are a few steps, the right cleaning materials, and some basic safety guidelines. Whether you’re interested in removing just a light layer of dust or truly deep-cleaning your fan, the above-mentioned tips can help you achieve your goals.